Productive work environment illustration

Boost Your Productivity at Work – 10 Useful Ideas



In today’s world, we hear a lot about productivity but do you really know what it is?

If yes then keep reading this article as today we are going to jump into the worlds of productivity from the very basics. This blog post is about how to be productive.

Also, you will know 10 useful ideas that will help you boost productivity at work.

I believe definitions are paramount to create or understand any concept or phenomenon.

So, let’s start with some definitions here.

Productivity – Definitions:

According to Google:

A quick Google search will give you this result;

“the state or quality of being productive.”

This statement is simple to digest. It labels productivity as a state. This is fairly true as all actions we perform in a day are state-dependent. Being in the right state will serve the right purpose.

According to the Cambridge dictionary

In Cambridge productivity is defined as;

“The rate at which a person, company, or country does useful work”

This definition highlights the trait of being productive i.e., “rate of useful work”. It means in a given amount of time one who does more useful work will be more productive. A similar way to say is “doing more in less time”.

Let’s have a look at another statement about productivity which is my personal favourite;

 “Productivity is the best utilization of Time, Energy and Resources”.

I know there are many other things that can act as key performance indicators (KPIs) at work but to begin with, productivity one can focus on Time, Energy and Resources.

In life and at work we always have Time, Energy and Resources in our hands to spend. The best utilization of these three factors can easily measure the productivity factor of some person.

Now when you know what productivity is let’s jump into the 10 ideas that I mentioned at the start

These action points will help you get started with the world of productivity or if you are already in the process then I hope you will get something new along with the read.

Idea #01 Start with Intention

Intentionally choose to be productive at work. Being on autopilot will not help you accomplish something significant.

Having a purpose in mind and a sound plan in hand is fundamental when it comes to productivity. So, enter the day with a strong intention and a plan of attack.

You can use sticky notes or any to-do app but plan all day from the beginning.

Idea #02 – Track your time per task

I heard a lot of people quoting this “if you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it” and this is true in many aspects. So, it is quite important to measure the time spent per task. Only then you will come to know which tasks take more of your time.

Tracking time spent per task help you delegate better with your total time and you can efficiently set the task priority. Setting tasks priority will help you better done the tasks in a better and structured manner.


Idea #03 – Take periodic breaks

A cooler chat with a co-worker or a walk around the office. Taking periodic breaks helps to reduce any work stress and improve concentration which in return keeps the productivity graph up.

Short breaks help to have new ideas and have researched backed benefits.

No next time when you are stuck, take a short break.


Idea #03 – Set Work Deadlines

Failing to plan is planning to fail. Likewise, settings realistic deadlines are crucial to the accomplishment of any personal or professional task or a project.

Deadlines provide your mind with a defined and measurable time slot that you just met to complete the task or a project at hand.

Meeting deadlines is the topmost trait that you can attain as a professional. It adds to your value as an employee at work. Learning how to set and achieve deadlines will boost your productivity for sure.

Instead of holding on to something, set your own deadlines and aim to over-deliver at work.

Idea #04 – Say Yes to Only Important Meetings

Where meetings help teams to be on the same page and stay informed about many things, it can take a lot of time which could be utilized on other important tasks.

Whenever possible, consider meetings alternatives like email, virtual meeting where you can serve the same purpose saving your time and energy.

Idea #05 – Quit Multitasking Today

Multitasking prevents you from being productive. Research shows that multitasking reduces your productivity up to 40%. Whereas the same research reveals 60% more projects were done in the absence of multitasking and a 35% reduction in time took to finish the same projects.

Focus on one thing at a time and try to avoid putting your hands in multiple things in the same time slot.


Idea #06 – Use your commute

Ever think about using your commute? If not then it’s time to give it a try. While travelling to the office you may have time to get something done. So, instead of people watching, you can use your time to brainstorm about the day, check emails or make to-do lists.

Everyone’s commute is different but there lies an opportunity. Just imagine if you can utilize 15 mins from your daily commute. You will end up saving 5 hours and thirty mins in the month-end (15X22/60). This time can be delegated for some other important tasks.


Idea #07 – Work for Progress not Perfection

Done is always better than none. While making your plans or executing them. Try to avoid overthinking.

Always remember you can come back to adjust most of the things. So, get it over and move on.

Just remember “Self-doubt will kill more dreams than failure ever will” – Suzy Kassem

Write a blog and publish it, make a plan and start executing. 20 minutes of work is better than 20 minutes of overtaking about the consequences.


Idea #08.- Identity and remove distractions.

Identify what distracts you and remove it from your environment. It could be an empty mug left un-attendant or a cluttered desk.

I recently found a great idea in a book named Hyper Focus by Chris Bailey.  It almost doubled my focus at work. I was amazed to see how a simple 4 step process can improve your focus.

These four steps are;

  • Decide where you want to focus.
  • Identify your distractions.
  • Remove Distractions.
  • Bring your attention back to work.

Often, we fail to bring our attention back to tasks when we are interrupted. Step four is the key here as it connects you back from where you were interrupted.

Note: I have not finished the book yet so I am excited to share more ideas once I am done. If you can’t wait then you can read the book here

Idea #10 – Try to be proactive

Throughout the day you will be busy with so many tasks and even prolonged meetings. If you don’t plan the day then any coming email will shape your day. This will damage your overall productive state.

Having a clear daily work plan helps to stay focus throughout the day and avoid distractions.

The idea about proactiveness is to be ready with things in advance. Planning for an upcoming event, a meeting, a presentation or a product demonstration are few examples.

Concluding lines:

In a nutshell, productivity is a highly useful skill that can be learned like any other subject. The impacts of being productive are not confined to work only. Rather it can act as a catalyst towards your all life goals and ambitions.


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